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Rejuvenation time for facilitators

“There is always light. If only we are brave enough to see it. If only we are brave enough to be it.”                                                                                                                  -Amanda Gorman

Rejuvenation refreshes our being with light so we can begin our work with new energies. Maxfort School, Rohini organised rejuvenation time for facilitators on Saturday, April 1, 2023. It was certainly needed to put a break in the tight schedule of the facilitators and provide them some moments to relax. The recreational day commenced with aerobics and musical chairs activities. The facilitators enjoyed this fitness and fun time.

Later, honourable principal, Dr. Ratna Chakravarty organised an online rejuvenation session for the facilitators. The resource person was Sadhvi Pragya Bharti ji, a prolific speaker, a life coach, a spiritual teacher, and a holistic wellness expert. The theme of the session was “How to establish harmony between body, mind, and soul”. The highly motivational session started with Om chanting and Namaskara. Sadhvi ji efficiently explained the dimensions of body, mind, and soul to the participants. Physiological, psychological, and spiritual levels should be aligned for a peaceful life. It is very important to applaud yourself, and we should promote self-love. Continuous interactions were done with the participant-teachers to keep the essence of liveliness. At the end, the facilitators were told about five pivotal mudras (i.e., gyan mudra, vayu mudra, dhyana mudra, agni mudra, and varun mudra) to practise for around 20 minutes every day. The golden age ended with a few golden tips like practising gratitude, spending time with nature, connecting with something greater, and being compassionate to yourself and others to live a happy and joyful life.

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