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“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

  • Mahatma Gandhi

On the 150th Birth Anniversary of honoured Mahatma Gandhi, a great celebration was held at Maxfort School, Rohini in the form of special assembly conducted by the young Maxfortians of Grade V on Thursday, 3 October 2019. Gandhiji believed that the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. In the remembrance of the sacrifices made for the betterment of the country, a wonderful skit was presented that captured the attention of one and all present. It was followed by the spectacular performances in poem recitation, speech and the dance presentation.

All the viewers were mesmerised while hearing about the worthy efforts of Gandhi for making India Clean and Green. On the special occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, the students and the facilitators took a pledge to make plastic free India and emphasised on the usage of reusable shopping bags and food containers. There was an amazing feeling of contentment filled with pride after the pledge. The event concluded with the National Anthem and a promise to join hands and work towards making India plastic free and pollution free.

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