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Activity – Best out of waste

Little hands and imaginative minds came together in a creative burst of energy during an activity Best out of waste held on 3 September, 2019 for the students of Grade II. This activity was designed for the children to encourage creativity and to offer them a platform to show their skills. Children were made aware of uses of waste material also. The aim behind this activity was to bring understanding among the students about preserving our environment. Students were taught that instead of throwing away waste material, we can reuse them for making different items and this way, we can protect nature.

Students prepared creative and innovative models and art items from different waste materials. They used reusable and ecological materials like news papers, shoe boxes, bangles, ice cream sticksto creat an amazing array of display items and useful everyday objects, leaving everyone enthralled. The values like preservation, conservation recycle, reduce and reuse were imbibed in the young hearts and minds by demonstrating this noble act of caring our environment.

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