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“ Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world! “

With immense pride and pleasure the students of Grade X of Maxfort School Rohini, presented the first session of Youth Parliament on Thursday 24th October, 2019. Parliament of India is the repository of the sovereign will of the people and its functioning is a joint responsibility of both, government and the opposition. The parliament of India has many proceedings, and our students demonstrated few of them with great enthusiasm and fervor. It was started with the Oath Taking ceremony in which all newly elected MPs/representatives take an oath to faithfully execute their duty to support and defend the nation against all enemies. After witnessing it, we had the Obituary Reference in which the acting members of Lok Sabha presented their condolences to the departed soul. Then Madam Speaker gave the responsibility to the Prime Minister to introduce new ministers to the house with respect to their roles and responsibilities. The session proceeded with the most interesting segment, not only for the members of the House but also for the audience, i.e The Question Hour. The issues raised in the session were the current situations related to finance, women upliftment and reservation. Next step was Calling Attention Motion, the idea of this concept has originated in our country as a combination of questions and answers with supplementary on a matter of urgency. Last but not the least was the discussion on Bills to be laid in which, the bill for women empowerment was brought into motion. After that the session was adjourned. At the end our Respected Principal ma’am Dr. Ratna Chakravarty blessed students with her motivational and inspiring words and encouraged them. Youth parliament was concluded by the National Anthem.


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