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Workshop on Self-Improvement and Connecting with Students

“Before you act, listen.

Before you react, think.

Before you spend, earn.

Before you criticize, wait.

Before you pray, forgive.

Before you quit, try.”

                                                                                                           –Ernest Hemingway


Maxfort School, Rohini is determined for the growth of the learners as well as facilitators. Time and again, informative workshops are organised for the betterment of the facilitators. One such enriching session was organised on Thursday, 27 June 2019. The highlight of the day was that it was different from the routine educational discourse. It foucssed on self-introspection and connecting with the students.

The Resource person for the day was the eminent speaker and career counsellor Mr.

Jitin Chawla and the renowned spokesperson Mr Shushant Kalra. The teachers were taken down the memory lanes to re-live their childhood and adolescence so that they comprehend the dilemmas faced by the young generation learners. Mr Jitin Chawla involved the participants in “A to Z game” to understand the problems faced by the children. Mr Shushant Kalra engrossed the staff in interesting activities to throw light upon “why” of any problem thereby solving the issues and helping the children.

Eventually, it turned out to be a  highly refreshing and rejuvenating day for all the facilitators. Self-realistaion and the techniques gained to better connect with the students encouraged the teachers to establish  strong bond with the students, encompassing their potential for the their growth and development.

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