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EVENT –Janmashtami Celebration

“Fear not what is not real, never was and never will be. What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed.”



In order to rejoice the birth of Lord Krishna, a celebration was organized by the students of Grade I on Thursday, 22 August 2019. Students donned the roles of Lord Krishna and Gopikas amongst many other characters related to Janmashtami. They won the soul of spectators by dressing in the attire of Lord Krishna, Kans, Sipahis, Gopikas and other various characters and enacting their respective roles perfectly.  The event was graced with the presence of our respected Principal Ma’am, Dr. Ratna Chakravarty and our worthy Chief Guest, HG Vrajendranandan Das, National Director of ISKCON. The event started with the lamp lighting ceremony and address by ourworthy Chief Guest. They forwarded the message that whenever there will be dominance of malevolence ‘He’will reincarnate to destroy the evil and save the good. The event was further followed by the group dance that showcased the childhood memories of Lord Krishna, group songs on the life of Lord Krishna and a skit, Krishna Lila- The Transcendental Saga illustrating the diverse ‘Leelas’ of Lord Krishna. The event also marked an awareness about Indian tradition, custom and culture. It conveyed a strong message  of “Victory of good over evil.”  The event was nonetheless brought to life by the scintillating performances of children depicting the birth of Lord Krishna, phoolonkiholi, makhanchori, and Kansvadh. With the laudable performance, children lighted up the stage and enthralled the audience. Young Maxfortians made the whole event a cherished experience for the facilitators as well as parents with their initiatives.

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