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Activity –Spring Fit Kids Expo By Pre- Primary-II On 13-2- 2020

“All kids need is a little help, a little hope and someone who believes in them.”

                                                                                                                                                              Magic Johnson

At Maxfort, we lay a strong emphasis on sports and physical development. Our sports curriculum is planned and designed for the students to develop and enhance skills like strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility, control and balance.  Keeping the same in mind, Maxfort School, Rohini organised an outsourced session on Spring Fit Kids Expo on Thursday, 13 February 2020 for all the students of Grades Pre-Primary to II to expose them to several sports activities like spider walk, ladder walk, hurdle race, parachute ride etc. Students were categorized into different groups and they enjoyed physical games. A fitness circuit was made for the little Maxfortians to enhance their gross motor skills, thereby preparing them for greater challenges and developing their life skills. It gave them an experience to different sort of exercises. And for kids, exercise means playing and being physically active. The goal of working in team and being socially interactive was well achieved with these activities.

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