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Road Safety Activity

Road safety methods and measures are very necessary to all of us to reduce the risk of accident or serious injury. It is very necessary for the safety of common people including cyclists, pedestrians, motorists, and passengers. Everyone must follow traffic and road rules made by the government.

Following slogans on road safety can help you to make people aware about the road safety as well as encourage them to follow the road safety measures. You can use road safety slogans to motivate people during any related event or campaign celebration.

Maxfort has always been a driving force in producing enlightened youngsters with great alertness of the environment. Taking the lead forward, the activities like Slogan making, Poster making and Wall painting activities were conducted for classes VI to VIII on 7th and 8th February,2019.The activity was in compliance with the observance of 30th Road Safety Week-2019.

The maxfortians participated in the activities with full zeal thereby having a great awareness of the surroundings.

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