Playing with Clay is an interesting way to encourage a child’s imagination and creativity. Children love the vibrant colours and doughy texture of clay or play dough. Playing with clay improves the fine motor skills of children, as they use their hands to mould different shapes.
Keeping this in mind, ‘Play with Clay’ activity for grade Pre-primary was organised. Students were provided with the clay and they made different creatures like turtle, dog, cat, snake. Children enjoyed moulding, twisting and rolling clay to frame their favourite animal characters. With little assistance of the facilitators, children made fascinating artwork with the clay dough. They enjoyed the activity to the mellowest and thus their creative skills flooded with different imaginative ideas. Children were well appreciated for their efforts.
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Maxfort School Rohini we believe that “One who dares to teach must never cease to learn”. Therefore the School provides a conducive, learning atmosphere for one and all.
This is a place where we learn from our seniors, we learn from each other and yes, most importantly, we learn from our students. The focus is on experiential learning, rather than rote memorizing. Education here does not mean providing students with ready-made solutions but creating an environment where answers are elicited from students themselves.
We evolve as who we are, based on our Education, therefore emphasis is on holistic Education, where everything revolves around the student.
Maxfort ensures that the proud Maxfortians grow up with acute consciousness of their surrounding, that they learn to value sustained commitments.
Every Maxfort Facilitator is a friend, Philosopher and a guide, living in a world of robust connectivity, we provide through our state of art IT Labs the latest knowledge explosion which is unparalleled.
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