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Participation In International Book of Records—— Anunya Goyal (Class – VII)

“Excellence is result of high intention, sincere efforts, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see the obstacles as opportunities.”                                       – Aristotle

Yoga does not transform the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees. It’s a mirror to look at ourselves within. Yoga means addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul. With great pride and elation, we would like to proclaim that under the expert mentorship of our respected Principal ma’am, Dr. Ratna Chakravarty, our shining star, Anunya Goyal of Class VII participated in International Book of Records to spread awareness for good health. The event was held online on 31 December 2020 where 516 people performed meticulously. This young achiever performed   Anulom Vilom Pranayama   for complete one minute in the most articulative manner.

Congratulations on your achievement! This is your reward for all the hard work you have put in.



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