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Educational excursion to Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya by Class XI students

“Educational excursions provide students the joy of discovery and the opportunity to learn new things through travel.”

An educational excursion is the perfect platform for experiential learning that instils with the right sense of knowledge and experiences. It provides an opportunity for total immersion in the natural environment and social setting. Maxfort School, Rohini organised an educational excursion to Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya for the students of Grade XI on Friday, December 30, 2022. The sangrahalaya is established in the Teen Murti Estate, the serene abode of the first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru for 16 years. It is a tribute to our great nation and covers national pride, integrity, and honour through capturing the lives of our honourable prime ministers and their contribution to our motherland.

The excited students visited this unique museum with their facilitators and were guided by the escorts, who briefed all on the lives of 15 prime ministers and their contributions to the making of modern India. Maxfortians visited both blocks of the sangrahalaya. Block 1 acquainted the students with the belongings of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Smt. Indira Gandhi and the exclusive gifts received by our revered prime ministers across the globe. Block-2 displayed the magnum opus of the Prime Ministers and the pivotal steps they took for infusing life and energy in India of our dreams from the British Raj to the Modern India.

The highly knowledgeable excursion fulfilled the objectives of the National Educational Policy (NEP) too, as the students were able to integrate the knowledge of various subjects and were also sensitised towards maintaining the strong ideals of our great nation. In total, it was a fruitful learning experience for all the students.


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