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Our specially curated curriculum ensures the development of each learner’s body, mind, and soul.

Early years (PS & PP)

The children of this age group are coming away from the safety and warmth of their home. So the first task for facilitators is to help children make a smooth transition from home to school. Once children become comfortable in their new environment, they can begin to master the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Simultaneously, they develop the social skills required to adjust with peers and develop a sound value system. To this end, an enriched curriculum provides for a variety of experiences through storytelling, role play, counting games, group activities, art, music, excursions, puppet shows, and sports. A thematic approach is followed, where several activities are integrated around a central theme to make learning more meaningful and relevant.

Primary years
(Classes I - V)

At this stage, children are encouraged to make healthy adjustments in school, and classroom learning is made more meaningful and enjoyable. A long-standing relationship between formal and informal learning situations is inculcated to make them ready for greater and more abstract academic challenges. These are realized through group activities such as quizzes, field excursions, project work, role- plays, pretend plays, assembly presentations, and group discussions, Greater focus is also laid on formal learning of Languages, Mathematics, and Environmental Sciences.

Middle years
(Classes VI to VIII)

During this stage children become adolescents. This is a difficult time for students as they go through dramatic physical changes and immense emotional upheavals. Young students are now expected to apply their knowledge in various formal and informal situations and communicate effectively with those around them. Understandably, the facilitators at Maxfort take on the role of guides and mentors. The students are guided to make effective adjustments in the family, school, and society. The curriculum is aimed at helping students become active thinkers and confident learners, Activities such as conferences, field trips, counselling sessions, and personality development workshops have been designed to promote self-awareness and understanding.

Senior years
(Classes IX to XII)

At this stage, preparations for the competitive examinations assume much greater significance, That does not mean that the need for active social and co-curricular participation is not felt. The facilitators are well organized in their planning and management to strike a balance between academics and co-curricular activities. The academic program is carefully designed for students to manage their time at home and at school. A detailed timetable for the completion of project work and preparation for class assessments and term examinations is also put into effect. They are also helped to identify and develop their abilities, aptitude, and interests. They are encouraged to gain information about various educational and vocational opportunities so that they are able to make informed choices about their future educational and vocational plans.
