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Activity –‘Show and Tell- The Northern Mountains’

“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.”
– George Washington Carver
There is something humbling about mountains. Maybe it’s their tall and grandiose appearance or the initial intimidation when you cast your eyes on it. But ultimately, the most humbling part is the sense of accomplishment that you get after climbing one.
After completing the Chapter- The Northern Mountains during online classes, the students of Grade IV were given instructions to share their experience on the topic -“If I spend one month in the mountains my life would be……” on Friday, 22 May 2020. They participated with great zeal and enthusiasm while recording their videos and sending on mail. They used beautiful self-made props and displayed a wonderful performance discussing about the food, clothing and the climate in the mountain area. The different types of sports activities like trekking, hiking and climbing were shared and the unconditional love for the pollution free environment was showcased marvellously. It was a commendable virtual learning experience of the young Maxfortians.
Please click on the given link to view the video.

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